to Duke Street
Giving financially to gospel work gives us the opportunity to play our part in the exciting things God is doing. Our work here at Duke Street is funded by our members and regulars. If you wish to give to the work here and are are a UK tax-payer, please complete a Gift Aid form allowing us to claim an additional 25% on top of your gift.
Through your Bank
A Regular Payment or Standing Order: You can set up a regular payment (also known as a standing order) directly from your bank account, which can be weekly, monthly, quarterly or annually. You can set up a standing order through online banking, telephone banking or in person at your local bank branch.
Bank Transfer: You can give a gift to the church through a one-off bank transfer to the church account, using the following information.
Account: Duke Street Church
Sort Code: 20-72-33
Account No: 00335703
Please ensure that your standing order or transfer includes a reference (usually a surname) so we can correctly identify your payment.
2. Giving cash or by cheque
You can make cash donations to the church through the offering taken on a Sunday. To Gift Aid your cash donation, please put your donation in a yellow envelope. Please make cheques payable to ‘Duke Street Church.’
3. Charity Giving
If you have an account with CAF (Charity Aid Foundation), Give As You Earn or Stewardship, you can make payments through your account to the Church. Please arrange for payments to be made to ‘Duke Street Church’, Charity No. 1134492.
4. Legacies
Remembering Duke Street Church in a Will is a great way to support the work of the gospel here. This form of generous giving has proven a tremendous blessing to the Church and has been a vital source of income.
For more information about how to do this, please contact Steve Pryor, the Church Treasurer.
5. Online card payment
By clicking on this link you can make a one-off or regular secure donation to the ministry by card. Select the appropriate fund from the drop-down box.